Saturday, March 17, 2007


At times we would be surprised ourselves to see what we can do once we develop an interest in things whatever it might be . today i was reading about MARIE CURIE and one is amazed by the devotion she showed to her profession . A profession which endangered her own life but still because of the interest which she had in it and her love for it made her stay in it and contribute to the development of the field in which she was working ( Radium and radiation). And indeed she has not only contributed to the field of physics and created a milestone in it but also maintains the distinction of being awarded the Nobel Prize twice . And she is the first women to have been awarded the Nobel Prize.

So never ever think that anything is impossible if you continue to believe it firmly you will achieve it over a period of time , the only thing being that you continue to be firm in your belief and astonish the others and yourself by the power of your achievement