Sunday, June 21, 2009

A COME BACK ...............

Hi everyone,

i really missed blogging, though one can call it a come back after one year,
entering in to the final year of M.B.B.S is somewhat different than other years.

Believe me you just get worked up listening to rumours and stories around about how tough medical college is.

when you step into the medical college for the first year, you will hardly understand anything,
The professors also impress on students how tough first year is, and how much importance you
need to give it and surprisingly all students fresh from school will eat up every word of what the professors say.

And then comes the real college life--------" intro and living in hostel" gives you a thrilling
experience, though for a girl it more of depends on your gang of friends and for a boy in medical school, it is a turning point in life.

yes a turning point,
you will surprised to see how many end up being hooked to "pis aller " intoxicating ethanol.
i dont know if it is the trend followed or a tradition passed from the seniors to the juniors.

It would really appear sardonic to see that the medicos who see so many alcoholics turning up with all organ failures continue to drink despite knowing their adverse effects.

Continuing with our first year fear where one grapples with the subjects and finally by the end of first year they have got the knack of medicine seeing the dissection and working with samples of fluids in biochemistry .

And next comes Second year, with its mammoth 1 1/2 years duration course,
which leaves you answering everyone you know - why the course is so long and why the
discrepancy between your medical course and engineering course.

And i suspect some of them dont believe this and end up thinking you having arrears or that you are building some cock and bull story. Atleast the ones reading this please spare another second year from this question .

Let me explain why it the duration is so long, we have three subjects in first year and in second
year the subjects becomes four and we also have pathology . Anyone who is seen the Robins
book will not ask anymore question. For those who havent seen that book , let me give an
example : consider it like this, if you throw Robins book on your enemy's head it would be sufficient enough to cause fracture of his or her skull. that much big it is.!!

And once yu get through--- watching the post mortem and staining the bacteria which is quite fun , because the microscope will never work and it is mroe of pouring stain on each other.

After having sailed through second year, comes your third year,

we were told that third year is the best time of your life,where you get so many days off and you can take as many holidays as you want and you can pass you third year in a jiffy without any work at all, this was the version told to us, but this turned out to be a shocker for our batch.
You see they changed the rules and we had double posting in the three subjects and atttendance also became strict, in the end do you know how we were??

we attended full postings all throughout the year, attended classes till five in evening and no off time. And when the results came it was like a blow out of the water, usually third year is a cake walk but our batch luck this time there was strict correction.

Then comes our final year which is always terrifying to a medico, they say there are two tough rivers you have to cross in medical college, the first year and the final year, now that i have come this far, and when you feel like taking a deep breath then comes the second seismic shock you are not to rest this year, you will have to work up and do your best only then can you clear this final hurdle. right from listening to how to study and what to study , you get everyone's advice on how to do better .

And in between the hours you get between the postings you can catch up with your friends, or during the trekking walk to og(obstetricsand gynecology) posting you can have good discussion on what to do with your friends and unit mates.

Well talking about unit mates, i must say this year one has good time in their own units, the unit mates have fun throwing the chance of taking the case presentation on one another. I must mention my dear friend Gracia ( the na.... walk lady) who ends up taking the first case in her unit . Either her unit mates are cleverer and force her to take case when they dont want to or she is innocous enough to accept whatever they tell her.

I do have gala time with my friends laughing and cracking jokes on each other during the "op" time and still manag to see cases.

Finally i am just getting to understand that if one decides what they want exactly they will get it . With a set goal and with a plan one is bound to get what they want. And ofcourse the factor of procastination, distraction, enjoyment, family all comes but one needs to take charge and fulfil their duty and keep GOING ON......... GOING ON.........