Thursday, November 29, 2007


This little girl is none other than Farah ahmedi, from Afghanistan

who became a victim of war . Today she earns in dollars

and do you know what is so wonderful about that , Because she

doesn’t know to read and write , yet because of her belief and

confidence she is now settled in America along with her mother

and is living a life of a winner. Though she was handicapped , she

could’nt be handicapped in her mind, for which she has been

rewarded well for being courageous in the face of adversity.

Farah now can walk with the help of prosthetics , thanks to the

world of medicine and engineering she now lives her life of

dreams , she still remembers the moment when she refused to wear

prosthetics and thanks the nurses in Germany where she was

operated and fit with the limbs because if it had not been for them,

it wouldn’t have allowed her so much of freedom.

She is a living example of a person who has endured so much pain

at such a tender age and has had the courage to face the death of

her father and sisters in the war and it was not over with that, her

brothers are missing and she has no clue as to where they are, but

still she lives with hope and happiness and is glad that she was able

to save her mother atleast. Doesn’t this tell us how much brave and

solemn this girl must have been to face so many adversities in her

life. Sometimes I wonder we all are so lucky to have been taken

care of by our parents but still feel mutinous if one of our wishes

were not fulfilled. So the next time you feel so, remember Farah

and thank the God for giving you so many luxuries in life. God has

certainly blessed all of us in keeping our loved ones well. Thank

God and Mother nature.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007



What does this picture remind you of ?? Of beauty and nature……

And so on , so was this little girl amazed by the beauty of nature

continued to gaze at the sky and the clouds , lost in thought

mesmerized in it’s beauty. But nature had other plans for her…

She ran off to school to listen to her teacher’s sermons about

worldwide news and other fascinating information which she loved

to hear . Unlike her counterparts in school, who got bored to listen

to classes, she took special interests in her studies. As she left for

school running through the paddy fields , there was a sudden

splash of fire in her face and she fainted, that was all she was able

to recollect later as she lay in her hospital bed. Later her family

told that she had stepped on a land mine and her leg had to be

amputated to save her. It was a devastating shock to this girl who

had dreamt of dancing with joy and run from place to place.


Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Confused why iam talking all of a sudden about Diabetes ,

because November 14 is WORLD DIABETES DAY. So

even if you have Diabetes there is no need to get

anxious and worried that you have got any disease.

Let me also tell you that Diabetes is one which can

be managed very easily and so can relax yourself, the

only thing is that we need to manage it like a badly behaved cat. If

any one you know have got Diabetes, then the things that need to

be taken care of are

v Monitor their blood glucose level properly, especially ask

your doctor if you can do a glucose tolerance test which is very

specific and helps in monitoring .

v Regulate the diet with the essential foods and

Reduce caloric food, that is reducing carbohydrates, increasing

protein and fibres in the diet , eat raw vegetables and fruits,

mind you no fruit juices , even if you want to drink it must

be devoid of sugar.

v Exercise out, nothing can be as benefiting as 2 km walk

daily in the morning and evening

v Never lie down and be idle , be active and keep yourself

busy with one thing or other, be on the move always.

v If the blood glucose level is high then they can be given

insulin doses as prescribed by the doctor

v The word of caution here is that some misinterpret it and

eat all sweets and caloric food at a time and then think

that taking a double dose of insulin will correct their

glucose levels, let me tell you that this is no the case, if

anybody even think of doing like that , it is extremely

FATAL, and this is what makes your health derogatory.

You must control your mind and take limited food and balance

your diet . Never eat that is not appropriate for your age and health.

Sunday, November 25, 2007



Well, what does November 14 reminds you of ?


But if we were to look out of this dimension and think beyond it, this day also holds

importance because this day is not only special for children but also for each and every

person in this world , considering the increasing incidence of Diabetes all over the world.

I don’t want to go into the details of Diabetes as people are already well aware of its



The Fast food world, the mouth watering pizzas, overstuffed burgers becoming one’s

staple food is one of the reasons why the disease is on the rise. Type 2 Diabetes is more

in rise , and is also called as the “disease of the rich” as the most common cause is

Obesity. Fortunately, obesity has been taken seriously and is given its due importance as

is evidenced by the large number of articles coming in magazines and people are voicing

out their concerns as to how to bring it in control.

So watch out , soon I will be writing about how you can fight this and

protect yourself and your loved ones and enjoy peaceful serenity.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007


I know iam writing this blog after a very long time, I should say i had completely forgotten or

should i say many events took place i this gap and this year will be memorable to me always.

How life had taken turns which i could never have expected. One of which was me getting laid

up with Dengue fever in September, it is spread by mosquitoes so beware of them, if you have

any doubts about better check up your blood pressure. The normal is 120 \80 mm Hg, if it

goes down and you wont be able to stand,due to decreased bp. So what was so special about this

fever. I truly learnt the meaning of pain, i was actually feeling wouldnt it be better if i were

given anaesthesia so that i would forget what pain would be, and go to sleep. I had to be

admitted in hospital and had 4 transfusions of blood and platelet and if you are wondering what

platelets are, they are one type of cells that gets reduced in your blood if you have dengue, that

is how the diagnosis is reached. when i was sick , i reflected what has this actually taught me

and was really grateful that i could learn the value of pain, i mean i would be able to console a

person suffering from pain, knowing myself what it feels like. At the end all i can say is that it

happened for a purpose in my life and if you wish to see in a positive light, here is the cream for

all of you. For your information, Dengue fever manifests itself in people who are very healthy

and people who are well nourished, so that is something consoling. So many things are yet to

unroll themselves yet so getting geared for all. See you soon.