Wednesday, June 18, 2008
Having an allergy?
Yesterday I saw an old lady who came with complaints of pain in shoulder. As
we were asking her, she was so well equipped with information, i mean she was
able to give answers to any questions we asked her and this is great because
this makes the work easier for the doctor to come to diagnosis and give the
correct treatment and what was more she was even telling the names of drugs
like paracetamol and wax bath etc, mind you she is 68 yrs old and her
education would not be much but still her curiosity to know things and learn
things has helped her to be active and also has helped the doctor.
See if you have otherwise have fun
One can help their doctor by telling exactly when their complaint started and
how it has progressed and have they taken any medication before which had
relieved them and if you happen to remember the name, it would be good.
And another thing of utmost importance is any history of allergy, meaning,
did you happen to have any allergy to any drugs in the past, or if you have
Asthma, Hypertension, Diabetes, or any allergy to pollen or dust or to any medicine
or hypersensitvity to
anything, it requires that you inform your doctor immediately.
Why this is so important after all it is an allergy,but there have been lots of cases where patients
have lost their life due to allergy to some medicines, so it is always better to have a patch test
done. And also equip your doctor about your allergy to any medicine.
The doctor doing the patch test
Remember these things are not alarming by themselves and there is nothing to
panic, for example if anybody has allergy to aspirin or penicillin, the doctor
would just change to another medicine for treatment. Or if you happen to
have asthma, the doctor would take care in not giving analgesics to you
because that can have adverse effects, it is not like having any allergy is
embarrassing or something. If someone is well aware of their body and their
reactions it becomes easier for them and also for their doctor to treat.
Remember every person is different not only externally in looks, hair,
fingerprints, genes, but also the way a person perceives things, What looks
beautiful to me might not look beautiful to other. So different individuals
have different requirements and all it requires is adjusting the medicine or
treatment accordingly.
That is the beauty of nature, where everyone is different from others and
have a self of their own.
Thursday, April 17, 2008
" Afraid to look at it" ?
Well well, after a long time, atlast Iam ready to write and continue my flow of thoughts.Lately
there had been certain hitches with many things coming up but as we all know life goes on and
that one must have to catch up with it’s pace.
Recently one thing that caught my attention was the state
of the people coming to hospital (patients) and their relatives, meaning the mental statethey are in and their grim expressions.
" So distanced"!!
I am sure you can understand this, because we all know that people approach hospital or a doctor only when they have reached the furthest extreme stage whatever it could be whether a disease of body or of mind.
" Hiding behind - are you ?"
I mean nobody goes to a doctor saying –“ Doctor! I want to be healthy, what should I do to be
so”.Nor do they come for ensuring continued health.
" This is what we call the end stage"
Why I am stressing ,so much on this is that, this has become a pattern over generations, over
time that this habit has been inculcated in us that a person goes to a doctor only when he is sick.
And he ends up going to the doctor with all end stage disease. So if anybody says that they are
going to a doctor so much pain, anxiety and anguish is attached to the visit.
Just imagine you go to a hotel and you order your favorite pizza or favorite dish and while eating
it you associate pain suddenly with it and eat it dismally, will the food benefit you? Definitely NO
!! Right.
So eventhough it is understandable that one has the anxiety about whether they will be cured
and whether they will be able to foot the bills , whether everything will be alright. Things will
happen with it’s own course whether you worry or don’t worry and the one thing that is under
your control is that you can efficiently manage whatever situation arises according to your
adequacy. It is surprising that once a patient enters the atmosphere of hospital their face takes
on a grim expression and their mind is full of confusion and random thoughts, you hardly come
across any person smiling at you unless of course you are strong of mind and have the belief that
you will be cured.
So what my take back “Home message” is that whenever you go to a hospital , see if you can
smile, (test it J ) and if you cannot see if you can plant a smile on some others face,
I assure you your single face would be sufficient to light the faces of so many whoever you would
be meeting. And dont be surprised if the doctor also smiles at you!!
And at the end of the day you would be happy that you have not only changed yourself but also
have made a difference to others life. And that is what life is all about Growing yourself and
helping people around you. Right? J
"Iam growing well , how about you?"
Friday, January 18, 2008
EXAM TIME ...........
It is exam time and hence I kept off my blog page , yet to face
exams in February , so getting geared up for exams and this blog is
for my friends who are from medical field and for those who are
not, iam sure they would enjoy going through it and enjoy how the
mneumonics are made………
Let us go through Pharmacology now
Mesmerised by the opiod effects and want to remember all of its
Then think that opiods “ BURN BAD AMERICANS”
B - Bradycardia and hypotension
N - Naloxone and Naltrexone antagonize opiods
B - Biliary smooth muscle constriction and spasm of sphincter
Of oddi
A - Anti tussive effect, cough suppression
D - Depression of deep tendon reflexes
A - Analgesic effect
M - Miosis ( constriction of pupil)
E - Euphoria
R - Respiratory depression
I - Increased Intracranial pressure
C - Constipation
A - Acute opiate intoxication- A- Anaphylaxis, ARDS- Acute
Respiratory Distress syndrome, A- Aspiration pneumonitis
N - Nausea and vomiting
S - Sedation
So friends remember AMERICANS, if any opiod is mentioned the next time.
The opiods namely includes morphine etc.