It is exam time and hence I kept off my blog page , yet to face
exams in February , so getting geared up for exams and this blog is
for my friends who are from medical field and for those who are
not, iam sure they would enjoy going through it and enjoy how the
mneumonics are made………
Let us go through Pharmacology now
Mesmerised by the opiod effects and want to remember all of its
Then think that opiods “ BURN BAD AMERICANS”
B - Bradycardia and hypotension
N - Naloxone and Naltrexone antagonize opiods
B - Biliary smooth muscle constriction and spasm of sphincter
Of oddi
A - Anti tussive effect, cough suppression
D - Depression of deep tendon reflexes
A - Analgesic effect
M - Miosis ( constriction of pupil)
E - Euphoria
R - Respiratory depression
I - Increased Intracranial pressure
C - Constipation
A - Acute opiate intoxication- A- Anaphylaxis, ARDS- Acute
Respiratory Distress syndrome, A- Aspiration pneumonitis
N - Nausea and vomiting
S - Sedation
So friends remember AMERICANS, if any opiod is mentioned the next time.
The opiods namely includes morphine etc.
Hey, Thanks a lot for the mneumonics. Think Americans are atleast useful in one way ;)
yes, arent mneumonics useful, and finally all exams ove, i mean all theory useful and practicals still left, left preparing for it
Hi chinti, nee than real (poli) doctor...
hahahah, ignore what i have written inside bracket.
mneumonics excellent.
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